Thursday 28 April 2005

Coz's Article on the church

“What would a church look like that practices John 15”

Acts 2:42-47. I am tempted to leave it at this. The example of how the church functioned right after Christ ascended into Heaven seems to be the best example of how a Biblically successful church should look. I would like to understand how we went from that, to what we have now.

Concepts such as gathering for a couple of hours on a Sunday to hear some people sing and a guy talk are what dominates our current culture. Sharing all we have, gathering together each day, breaking bread together, having true fellowship, being there to be used to meet each others needs, where did all this go? Why? My paper is not an answer but a question. I know what it would look like. We have been given the example. We can read on and see how things like division, injustice, suffering, persecution, evangelism, and others were handled. We can see how leaders led, the establishment of division of duties, the emphasis on empowerment, handling doctrinal issues, missions support, team building and accountability took place. What I desire to know is where did we go so far off track.

I cannot imagine someone standing up on a Sunday and saying “I need $500 right now or I will lose my house” and another believer opening their wallet. It would have to go to committee, where it would be determined if this person is really in need. From there the response would be based upon the budget (often the deacons fund) into which people have put in a fraction of God’s provisions to them. If there was enough money in the budget, they would be given some money, but conditionally. We are a church that in general responds to issues based upon resources. Where is the church that responds to issues based upon needs? We have been taught to see what we have before we decide what to give. Why don’t we see what is needed than give in response? “…they gave to anyone as he had need.”

I imagine, though it seems like a dream, someone coming to my house and asking “how are you doing today?” Not someone asking me “at church” how has my week been, but pursuing me. I am sure, knowing God’s love (in part), that He cares about the difficult week I have had. I also believe, discerning from Scripture, that He has a response. I am led to believe that the response would come in the form of encouragement from a brother or sister. Has it come and I missed it, or was it sent but the messenger got too caught up in the worries of the world to deliver it? I cannot ask this question without asking myself how much I failed to deliver my messages this week.

I have considered these issues many times before now. Perhaps I have been waiting for someone else to take the lead on this. In raising support I believe in God’s provision and I am confident that if we pooled our support into one pot, we would all have enough. When I was the least supported missionary (financially) my motives were obviously in question, though they were true. Now that Joyce and I raise more than the others we serve with, am I still willing, even though it would be a hardship to us? Yes I am still willing. What do I wait for? Someone to take me seriously.

I end this short and poorly written paper with a question to you, the reader. Why did we stray from the example left us by the Apostles? Why are we so intent on “re-inventing” the church to be more effective in this society? If we simply followed their example, wouldn’t our numbers be added to each day?

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